today, the kiddo and i explored a part of the park we've never visited before. we were in search of an
old meeting house and was kind of a spur of the moment decision to go there, it was such a nice day after a string of cold, rainy ones..i had to be outside! anyway, if i'd thought about it earlier, i would have looked up the park
map, and would have been able to easily find the church. instead, i relied on my memory of what i'd viewed a while back...and ended up taking us on a nice ramble through the woods. instead of a straight 1/2 mile or so down a gravel path, we tromped along the mountain bike trail..we saw a bunny, lots of bees, and two does, who looked less surprised to see us than we were to see them. we never did end up at the meeting house..i guess we'll do that another day. :)
"God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good." Genesis 1:31