what a weird week.
both good weird and not so good weird. just plain weird. when a toddler wants to eat paint, there is nothing you can do or say that is going to stop him. just saying.
Day 26:
Thankful that i was able to convince one of my sisters to stay with us for the week! YAY!! more sweet niece hugs & kisses!
Day 27:
i was thankful that it wasn't day 26 and i didn't have to repeat that day of work. heheh. jk. (mostly)
i was thankful for snow. even though it didn't snow enough to be pretty.
Day 28:
i am thankful for my friends. i have more than i deserve..a strong core of people who i know i can turn to if i am freaking out (good or bad), if i need advice, or just a listening ear, people i can rejoice with, praise God with, do nothing with... and people who feel the same way about me.
Day 29:
i am thankful for technology.
this is what makes me smile:
a picture i will insert later, when i can think of something that won't make me feel embarrassed.