Monday, June 13, 2011

even pests can be used by the Almighty.

a spider saved my life today. well not really, but it could have...
i was on my way to class, when i saw some movement out of the corner of my eye..i did my best to ignore it. a few seconds later, i saw it again and tried to convince myself that it wasn't what i knew it was..a yellow spider, crawling across my left shoulder. AAAAKKK. anyone who knows me will tell you how i feel about spiders. in the past, i have had full blown panic attacks at the sight of one. (i know it seems a little extreme, but arachnophobia is real, folks, and i am a recovering scardy pants.) so i did really well. i only screamed once..i pulled my jeep over calmly, and -bug savers and critter lovers, skip this next part- i squished that sucker good. i did have a mild freak out, but was pretty proud of the way i handled it, over all. 
so i get back in the car & continue on my way..and come upon a really bad accident involving a car that had passed me while i was in the midst of spidercide. thank God for that spider! never thought i'd say that! kind of ironic...think there's a lesson in that one for me? 

this is what makes me smile:
summer flowers.