Thursday, June 23, 2011

i'm a weed, you're a weed...

what is a weed anyway? i'm feeling all philosophical about unwanted plants after my walkabout with the lovely and wise Mrs. Grace Lefever. you can read about Grace here. she is awesome. :)
a weed is a plant that's growing where it's not wanted...Grace says that most often, the plants with the most potential to nourish us and heal us are the ones that are dug up and tossed away.
dandelion, for instance, contains 7000 units of vitamin A per ounce, is a rich source of iron and other minerals, you can use it to treat liver and gallbladder ailments, and it's helpful for diabetics.

some of the "weeds" i learned about at Grace's and then went home to find in our yard; clover (white & can eat the whole plant, the red kind is a blood purifier and has been helpful in treating some cancers), plantains (round, and can eat the plant in salads, or chew it up and rub the juices onto bee stings, snake bites, poison ivy, and minor cuts. it has also been used to treat respiratory disorders including TB and whooping cough), lambs quarters (we have LOADS of this is rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals and is more nutritious for you than spinach and can be used in the same ways...and it's FREE), wood sorrel (sour little plants that look like clover with heart shaped leaves & yellow flowers...i used to eat these when i was little..this stuff is good for treating ulcers, tumors, some cancers, and kidney problems), land mallow (has one of the highest known concentrations of vitamin A, useful in treating liver and kidney ailments and can be used to treat gangrene), violets (very high in vitamin C and has been used to treat cancerous growths, sore throat, and is good for the heart and nerves), chickweed (she didn't really say what this was good for, but said it is her favorite thing to put on a sandwich :) ), day lilies (you can eat the leaves in salads, and the flowers are very high in vitamin a). 

it is amazing how the Lord has provided everything we maintain good health and to heal. why in the world did we throw all that knowledge away? just because it's so much "easier" to run down to the drug store and grab some aspirin? seems kinda silly to me...even though i do it too. soooo much more to learn. good thing i like exercising my brain!

this is what makes me smile: