i successfully ingested, and subsequently digested tuna today. a small miracle, since every time in the past 12 years that i've eaten it (or any kind of fish), i have...well, lets just say it didn't stay with me very long.
i also ate a falafel for the first time. holy cow. yum.
some of my classmates are having a little trouble "getting" "foot massage with reflexology," so that's what we worked on for our practical portion tonight...again. feet are weird creatures. our bodies are designed so intricately, and i am constantly in awe as i learn new things about the ways we function. amazing. ♥
on the way home i had to stop at a train crossing...it was kind of weird to come to a complete stop at nighttime, on a road that is in the middle of the country. i've stopped there plenty of times during the day, but never in the dark. and boy was that thing moving s-l-o-w-l-y. i thought to myself, "gee...if it goes any slower, it'll be moving backward." and guess what? it did. haha. but not before STOPPING and sitting still for SEVEN MINUTES. seven minutes doesn't really sound like a long time, but....in the dark...in the middle of nowhere...it seems like about an hour. hehee. (this was after about 4 minutes..)
while i was sitting there with nothing much to do, i got out of my jeep and took a picture of the sky...i didn't think it turned out, so i didn't take any more. now i wish i had because when you view it on the "big screen" you can totally see stars. and a number of triangular "formations." weirdness. (there are at least 4...not sure if they are planes? or..??)
after the train backed up and cleared the road...i got most of the way home (only about 2 more minutes after the train stop), and a beeeeautiful red fox ran across the road in front of me. this is cool because, hey, red foxes are cool. but it's also cool because, for no less than 6 months hannah has been trying (unsuccessfully) to convince my dad (who says there is NO WAY a fox would come near our yard because of the dogs) that there is a red fox living in a huge brambly bush in our back yard. now, this particular fox may not be living in our back yard, and in fact i highly doubt that any fox is living in our back yard...but at least we have proof that there is a fox around, and we can assume that she actually did see a fox, and not "a big cat" as has been suggested by my dad...and it also might explain why the dogs have been barking like crazy when there is "nothing" outside.
this is what made me laugh today when i saw it on my way home:
i realize that graffiti is a terrible crime...i also realize that this is pretty hilarious.