"I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for!"
Jeremiah 29:11-The Message
sometimes it's good to have a reminder.
2012, you were weird, and you made me cry a lot. and laugh a lot. i am glad i met you, but i have to say, i'm not really that sad to see you go.
on to the next!
this is what makes me smile:
freshity freshness.
you'll have to imagine what that one looks like for yourself.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
this is what makes me smile.
feeling refocused.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Murrah Crumus, ya'll.
top ten awesome things about christmas 2012
top ten awesome things about christmas 2012
- it's Christmas. Jesus still loves me, and would come to earth as a poor little baby again tomorrow if i needed Him to. Hey Jesus, it's Your birthday, we're gonna party like it's Your birthday. (yeah i know. not the actual DATE..but the day we celebrate..can you believe someone actually tried to start an argument about this with me this week? hahah ohhh, people.)
- family time. i love it. even when it's insane, chaotic, and overly....warm.
- IT SNOWED. first white christmas i can recall in over a decade..sweet. :)
- gifts..i got super awesome gifts this year. yeah. i'm going there. why were they so awesome? because every single one of them showed evidence that the person who gave it to me cares enough about me to know what things i enjoy. ♥
- gifts..the ones i gave were winners. not to toot my own horn.. i love to see people's faces light up when they open up a gift they actually like. :)
- sledding. on christmas. yeah, i know i mentioned the snow already, but not all snow is sled-able. this was. and it was fun.
- the guinea pig is still alive. he somehow picked up a bad respiratory infection which we were assured would likely kill him in days. he's squeaking at me right now. :)
- we did not have to watch "A Christmas Story." instead, it was a marathon of "Lord of the Rings."
- there is another storm on the way, so both my sisters and their families are staying another day...or two. YAY! more niece & nephew time!!
- the mayans were wrong. hahah not that i believed that silly nonsense...but at least i don't have to hear about it any more!
this is what makes me smile:
unexpected christmas snow.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
i guess when i'm not "being thankful" i can't think of anything to write. huh. how about that..
random fact of the day: i saw a kid with a bright orange afro today. it's his natural hair color. it. is. perfect.
this is what makes me smile:
christmas trees....even when they are crooked, undecorated, & unevenly lit. heheh
random fact of the day: i saw a kid with a bright orange afro today. it's his natural hair color. it. is. perfect.
this is what makes me smile:
christmas trees....even when they are crooked, undecorated, & unevenly lit. heheh
Monday, December 3, 2012
today i have too many things to write about. i will only choose one. big brother. in the form of live feed classroom cameras. um...does anyone else out there think this is a horrible idea?
sure, it's good for parents to be able to keep an eye on their kids, and their kids' teachers..but how close an eye do they really need to keep? i mean..is it really fair that anyone who happens to be in the scope of the cameras will never be able to pick a wedgie without an audience? or what if you forget to wash your hands after blowing your nose one time? is someone going to call you out on that?
i had a grandmother picking up her grandson this afternoon, who walked into the room with the biggest, proudest, glowing smile on her face as she loudly proclaimed, "N!! you took a NAP today!! we are SOOO PROUD OF YOU!" to which both N and i replied simultaneously, "nuh uh." haha. and then grandma proceeded to argue with me (me-the chick who sat beside N for the better part of an hour TRYING to get him to sleep, but not succeeding, and finally giving up-only to have him wake up the children on every side of his cot..grrr), saying, "well his mom said he slept." end of discussion. ? his mom works 25 miles away...oh, yeah...the cameras. well, sorry granny. she didn't see what she thought she saw.
i am not a fan. there were also a few parents who burst through the doors wearing much less proud faces..and who were yelling about their child's poor behavior before they even said hello. :/ yeah. camera surveillance is a terrific idea.
this is what makes me smile:
...at least there aren't any cameras in the bathroom.
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