dreams are weird. sometimes weirder than others...i've been having a plethora of strange dreams lately, and last night i had one that i feel like i should write down, so that i don't forget it.
so here goes.
the dream started with me, a bunch of my family members, and a lot of other people in a basement that looked like it was set up for some sort of banquet or dinner. there were round tables with white table cloths, and a buffet line at the front. my aunts were "in charge" of the event. it was kind of dark, and i just remember kind of milling around talking to someone here and there, and then popping into the food line and grabbing a plate. my aunt more or less told me to get out of line because i wasn't a member of their church, and i was to let them go first. (this kind of reminds me of something that happened at my grandfather's funeral...but not exactly.) i didn't get out of line, but got a roll, and maybe some other food and went to a table where some of my family members were sitting.
the next thing i remember is flying. i flew for 99% of the rest of my dream which was probably 50 times longer than the first "banquet" part. i flew all around, and in my dream i was aware that i was flying, and that i was dreaming. (i feel the need to mention i was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and had bare feet.) when i would realize that i shouldn't know how to fly, i would kind of flounder in the air, but i never fell. i flew like superman, like a bird, and like i was swimming. i played around with steering, and at gaining and losing altitude. it was pretty fun, and i have to say, i was pretty good at it.
at one point, my cousin showed up, and i remembered seeing him at the banquet. he tried to "show me how to fly" and ended up almost crashing me into some trees, and then flew me into some power lines. i remember thinking, "oh...i should be getting electrocuted." and then i could feel the electricity shocking my cheek, shoulder and arm. (how do i know what it feels like to be shocked? i grew up in the country...and was dumb enough to touch the electrical fence around the cow field in my back yard.) i eventually untangled myself from both my cousin and the power lines, and was no worse for the wear.
i flew around for a while..not really doing much but enjoying myself, and then all of a sudden a thought of the imminent arrival of some "bad" force came to mind, and i decided there was something i needed to do. i can't remember what that was exactly.
i ended up flying through several people's homes..while they were either sleeping or away from home. i don't know why, but it had to do with what i was supposed to be doing, and i also remember that i was trying to be very quiet and kind of sneaking through the house (still flying at most times), from front to back. i didn't take anything, or touch anything, but in both of the houses i remember, i got "caught." once as i was trying to leave the back door, which was a metal screen door, that had a knob which was kind of loud. in the second house, i went the whole way through to the back screened in porch, where there was a little girl-she saw me. i made it out to the back yard, and heard the people in the house coming to see if there was someone in their home. i hid in a big tree, and the next i remember, i was talking with the people as if we were friends.
i felt urgent about doing something..to help these people in some way. the woman from the second house was pregnant, and the little girl was around 2-3 years old. i flew around some more, and then i was with the woman from the second house, and another person, and the woman started to look for her daughter because she was suddenly worried about the little girl. again, i had the sense that there was a dark presence on it's way, and that we needed to leave. we found the little girl, and she was telling us about 'the gris' that she had met and made friends with, and i immediately understood that this was the dark presence i had been anticipating. i asked the little girl "what do they want?" and she turned to me with a blank and eerie smile, and said sweetly, "miss amy, don't call him they." creeeeep out. haha. also at this moment, i realized that the woman from the second house and her daughter had been speaking spanish the entire time; from this point on i didn't automatically understand what they were saying to me, as i had before. i had to translate what they were saying into english in my mind. (by the way, gris=grey in spanish.) we talked for a few more seconds, and i remember seeing a dark mist over my left shoulder.
the end. (i woke up.)
sort of a crappy place to wake up. this was a very vivid dream. it always intrigues me when i wake up and realize that i realized i was dreaming in my dream and took some control over what i was doing.
Friday, June 21, 2013
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