Monday, May 30, 2011

can't think of a title

it's nice to be able to sleep in on a monday. and by sleep in i mean get up at around 8:15. in the a.m.   

what i did today:

  • hugged my kid.
  • laundry. 
  • yard work.
  • more laundry.
  • outdoor fun with hanner.
  • yep...more laundry.

i wish i had some deep reflections or something about the meaning of memorial day.. i don't. it mostly depresses me. don't get me wrong, i'm very thankful for all those gentlemen and ladies who have laid down their lives for my puny little one. i have quite a few grandfathers and uncles and cousins on that list of brave individuals. it just makes me sad..that there is war. and then i feel cheesy. 

this is what makes me smile:
backyard battling with $10 water cannons.