the first weekend (or was it the second??) i went to the national apple harvest festival with my sisters, their respective male counterparts, hannah, and my cousin susan. it was fun, and strange, and really great to be able to spend time with so many people i love at once.
stuff at work has calmed down a bit. i still have days when i come home and wish i didn't have the job i do, and i am still pining for a day when i can work from home or something similar. mrs. shirley has been a great help, and i can see that a lot of the problems i was having were because of inconsistency with the teacher who was with me before, and a general feeling of, "there is no hope for this classroom". soo we've still got a VERY long way to go (as evidenced by the fat,bruised lip i was given by one of my pupils last thursday) but we have done a lot of improving in the past month and a half. i am a little more hopeful these days. i have my first field trip on tuesday, ask me if i still feel hopeful after that.
the third weekend hannah and i took a short weekend trip to north carolina where we stayed overnight with allie, and then spent a few days with one of my favorite ladies in the world! we had a meeting for our upcoming trip to jamaica (i'll blog more on that later), and it was fun and exciting and i enjoyed every minute of it. while i was in town i also stopped by the old KEC III and surprised my old coworkers. it was soo good to see them, and even better to be missed by them.
the down side of the trip is that both hannah and i got sick and had to miss work and school on monday.
hannah and i have been enjoying taking some long walks with ferris. it's so beautiful here this time of year! i always knew i'd see autumn in the north east again sometime, and it hasn't let me down. there were even snowflakes a few days last week! (that was a little early for me, but hey, i take them whenever i can get them.)
hannah and i attended "treat or treat in the park" last weekend, it was fun, and a good opportunity to check out some local businesses that i didn't know existed.
i feel like this post is kind of a waste of cyberspace, but i also felt the need to update. i am going to try to be a more faithful blogger this month.
this is what makes me smile:
little girls dressed as daisies.