well. it's been quite a few weeks since my last contribution here, so i guess i'll throw one in now.i started working about two weeks ago at the preschool mentioned previously. i have to say that i honestly hate it. i spend my days being hit, kicked, headbutted, spit on, and yelled at by a group full of the most disrespectful, wild four-year-olds i have ever had the displeasure of meeting. i spend my evenings stewing over the days events, and being way too cranky with hannah. i am not happy, and i have nothing positive to say-about anything really. i have never, in my decade of working with children, ever felt so useless and incompetent as i do in this position. i have decided to continue my job search, and as soon as i find something else, i will give notice and leave. i feel selfish for deciding this, it took me so long to find this job, and i was so thankful to have the opportunity. now i feel like i am just giong to toss it away, oh well. call me a quitter.
this is what makes me happy:

family togetherness.