Friday, November 4, 2011

sometimes you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel before you get to the good stuff.
hitting the's not really fun. especially when you are trying to claw your way back out on  your own. you admit to yourself, and even to God and maybe a close friend or two, that you are having hard times. still, it seems like nothing improves. you just need a boost to reach the rim so you can pull yourself up again. you can SEE the light...and that's almost worse than not being able to see it...
it's remarkable how things can start to look up when you come down off that shaky "i can do it myself" scaffolding and just ask for some help. admitting that you need it isn't easy, but maybe that's the point. following through. being obedient. shutting out your own stubbornness (which you sometimes get mixed up with "not wanting to be a bother") and pride...
admitting that you can't do it alone might just open the doors you've been searching for the keys to. maybe when you obey, you will find an awesome ramp builder who will teach you and help you to find the tools you need to get back to the top of the barrel....or maybe they will just throw you a rope.

"If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity a man who has no friend to help him!" Ecclesiastes 4:10

this is what makes me smile:
this ridiculous sunrise.