Monday, December 5, 2011

i am having strange kind of flashback-y feelings to the end of my senior year in high school. it's a weird mix of emotions for me right now.
i graduate from PMI on friday. it's kind of hard for me to believe that i've already come to the end of my schooling, yet on the other hand it seems like it's been a long time coming. and by "it" i mean my actually following through with a nudge (in this case it was more of a kick, heheh).
i remember (vividly) my first "try out" class last november. i was sooo nervous. terrified, really, and not sure how things were going to work out, especially financially. i am still working on that part. will come. when it's time. but no more classes after tomorrow night. i am really going to miss seeing the girls every monday & tuesday, and i'm so thankful to have met each one of them. i have never met a more motley crew that got along so well together. ♥ that would be a good blog post sometime.
so, i am "technically" graduating, but i still have a few loose ends to tie up before it's all officially official. i'm not sure why i'm not freaking out about not being completely done & REALLY graduating on friday, but i am attributing that unexpected peace and acceptance to God. it will all pull together when it is His time for it to happen- i am sure of that one thing, if nothing else. who knows? maybe by not being able to really move forward right now, i am being saved from jumping into something i shouldn't... perhaps, by having to wait a little longer, i will end up somewhere better.

this is what makes me smile:
my grandma's bathroom wallpaper.