Monday, June 20, 2011

i really can't think of anything to write about...
so...i shall resort to the easy, lazy "what i did today" list.

  • woke up to the sound of that blasted mockingbird...there is a nest right outside my window and as soon as about 5:30a.m. rolls around, those stinking birds start screeching. i know mockingbirds are considered songbirds, but i have yet to hear anything pleasing come from those little beasts.
  • took a little stroll around the yard, had some delicious mulberries. the branches are full of ripe berries, i'm going to be sad in a week or two when they're all gone. 
  • watched dr. oz. for real...first time ever, and most likely the last.
  • had a small food fight with happens.
  • went to school. 
  • learned facial massage.
  • came home.
  • yep...that's about it.  mesmerizing, i know...hahha
this is what makes me smile:
when ferris is annoyed with me for taking too many pictures using the flash.