i didn't sleep so well last night because hannah built an impromptu conastoga wagon-looking fort in the family room and... "pleeeeeeease can i sleep in here tonight?" after i said "sure," there was a dramatic pause, "of course bertie (dog) will only stay down here with me, if YOU sleep down here, too....." so, i slept on a pitiful pile of leftover blankets. we were twisted around like pretzels to fit all three of us in there, and by about 3am the dog was on the couch and only my left leg was still "inside." at some point, i claimed the couch & the pup went back to the floor..but not without numerous half asleep power struggles.
somewhere around 7, i finally had some delicious mulberries..they probably should have been left to ripen one more day yet, but how can you say "these aren't ready, no thanks!" when a sweetie peachy kiddo brings you a pile of mostly ripe berries and exclaims, "i have a delicious surprise for you!!" ? :) you can't. you just smile and eat them and hope she waits for you to wake up before picking them tomorrow. hahah.
i bought a bed from a lady who posted on craigslist, we haven't put it together yet, but hopefully it will help my room to feel a little less crowded. han & i went to ross to see if we could find some sheets..nope. haha we did score a bag for hannah to carry "library books and whatnot" ( :) she is such an old lady sometimes), and the kid was psyched because not only is it adorable, it's made entirely of recycled plastic bottles. ahhh gotta love my little conservationist. ♥
shopping always brings out the hungry beast, so we decided to get some dinner at BOB EVANS'. not my favorite, but it was the kiddo's choice and the parking lot was nearly empty, so that was a giant plus.
when we got inside, a rather elder looking gentleman seated us at a booth for two. hannah ungracefully bumped the table while being seated and managed to knock down everything that was on top. :) (she gets her clumsiness from her dear mother, heheeeh.)
so we were picking up the various condiments and menus, etc. and the elder gentleman says, "you two sure get along well...are you sisters?" to which hannah laughed loudly and i replied, "she's my daughter."
this stopped elder dude in his tracks and with a face that showed ..astonishment? confusion? disbelief? disdain?? he replied, "well just how old are you anyway!?"
before i could even answer, the polished elder-woman who was seated across the isle piped up matter-of-factly, "i don't know how old she is, but YOU are old enough to know better than to ask such a question of a lady!" hahahaaa. at this, our host sniffed and walked back to his post.
(i have just been summoned to the family room, "ma, come check out my new, IMPROVED fort!" ...i must say, it's much roomier than last night's version. :) )
this is what makes me smile:
living room forts.
take two.
road signs that look like people.