we've had a series of talks about how, when you ask forgiveness, and you're truly sorry, and you really turn away from that sin, it's gone. when God forgives, it is complete, and forever. her reply, "God just keeps getting awesomer & awesomer." yes, yes He does. :) i am thinking that what stirred up these past issues is that she is coming to an age of real understanding between what is right and what is wrong. her conscience is kicking into high gear & she is more open to the testing of her character. she's growing up. physically and spiritually. le siiiiiiigh. bittersweet.
so since i keep having these conversations with han about forgiveness, how it is given wholly, and how He flings our sins as far as the east from the west...i keep thinking, "amy, you really need to take some notes on this sermon you're giving." i just hope she learns this better than i have. it is so hard to forget and move on. why do we dig up our past and fling it into our own faces? why can't i just let it go..