Tuesday, June 7, 2011


what i did today:

  • stayed up until 3:30am. (insomnia sucks...)
  • woke up to the large digging equipment at the neighbor's house going full speed around 7:30. ( :/)
  • picked some berries. (and then hannah ate them.)
  • finished my homework (well...mostly.)
  • had a minor emotional breakdown (..what can i say..probably because i only got 4 hours of sleep)
  • worked with willi in class (oooooh can you say ANXIETY?!? FEAR?!? ..but it went really well & she was in a great mood & not too picky picky, so HOORAY!!)
  • decided to be sociable & go to the crabshack after class for some delicioso hawaiian shave ice. (nummy nums)
what hannah did today:
  • somehow slept through the ridiculous digging equipment.. 
  • ate most of the berries.
  • played wii.
  • had a somewhat less minor emotional breakdown than mine (oh the joys of parenting a hormonal preteen)
  • hid in a tree for over an hour.
  • read 3 books. (she has a habit of choosing books that are waaaaay below her reading level.)
  • cried at me.
  • cried some more.
  • cleaned her room (partly)
  • was all rainbows & sunshine when i got home from school.  :) 

this is what makes me smile;
funny emails from people who (possibly) think i am a diva. 
(click photo for a larger view)