it seems like it always rains on wednesdays.
i notice this especially because wednesday is the first evening of the week that i am home before 10pm. usually, i have things (most of the time they are outside things) that i'd like to do...but rain dampens my plans. pun intended. oh well.. :) i appreciate rain & it gives good atmosphere for reading and other cozy activities. i just think it's kind of strange that it seems to always rain on wednesdays. :)
it is my niece's actual 2nd birthday. (saturday was the fake b-day, heheh) time surely flies. she is super adorable, and very bright. my favorite moment from last weekend was when she saw her birthday was covered with cupcakes. she said so sweetly, "oooh, i LOVE cupcakes!" hahah. and later on, when she saw what was for dinner, in the same super excited & awed voice she said, "oooh, i LOVE peas!" :) ♥
this is what makes me smile:
natural beauty.