Wednesday, July 27, 2011

goo brain make me wonder at the glory of creation. there, now you don't have to read this post at all! :)

my brain feels like goo...which, i guess, is not that far from reality.

i was not meant to be a web programmer, that is for sure and for certain. once this assignment is over (i have to build a website for class...even with a template, i am having a hard time), i will be rejoicing.

did you know that there are 26 bones in the human foot? and that the skin on the sole of our feet is more than 4x thicker than anywhere else on the body (the palms of our hands have thick skin, too...but not as thick as our feet). our bodies were designed soo intricately, and yet with so much common sense. i just don't understand how people can believe in "the big bang" and evolution not involving a creative designer. we are too complex! the world itself is too boggles my mind.

i watched a show about fractals awhile back, and one thing that stuck in my mind is how fractals are everywhere in nature...for example, in a forest. the ratio of small trees/medium trees/large trees in an area is mirrored by the ratio of the small branches/medium branches/large branches on the individual trees in the area.   it's amazing. such care and calculation went into all of creation.. ahhhh the ridiculous intricacy and beauty!

i am thankful for the gift to see the marvelous in the mundane.

this is what makes me smile:
fresh from the farm 2 miles away & complete with a warning sticker...