i have come to the conclusion that i am supremely dissatisfied with the direction my life is going. BUT i am sort of looking forward to things beginning to change for the better...eventually. that sentence is wrong. i am a definitely looking forward to things changing for the better. i am just not sure when that will actually happen. or what those changes will be, other than the hoped for change of "career."
i came up with many, many negatives on my list of things about my life in general, and managed to find some positives, as well. even though it may seem so, i am not Eeyore...i feel like i come across as an incredibly negative, doom and gloom-ish person sometimes. that is not really who i am...at least it's not who i want to be, or who try to be. one of the things i thought about on my long drive is that "negativity" does come out sometimes, more often than i would like. :/ so i also decided to make a point to try and focus more on positives than on negatives. duh. the fact that i have been "trying" to do that for a while now (i.e., the thankfulness boosting "this is what makes me smile" photos/sentiments) does not escape me. more focus-more focus!!
positive, positive, positive. yep. one positive point i "listed" is that i did "find my way into" school last fall, and will soon be able to have a more fulfilling j-o-b. hopefully. prayerfully. i don't actually know what i will be doing within the scope of my "abilities" once i graduate..i'm leaving that up to the Big Guy, Who has been steering this little adventure thus far, and doing a rip-roaring job of it, too.
wow i am sure using a lot of "quotations" in this post. i wonder if that "signifies" anything?
another note about long drives...
they make you very tired, and also leave "parts" of your body aching.
enough of me. i am past the point of tiredness where you just fall asleep...i've moved on to the "i could jabber all night long if someone would listen to me....or even just pretend to listen" stage. i usually end up regretting that later on, loose lips sink ships, you know.
this is what makes me smile:
beautiful, invasive weeds. (gaillardia at the beach)