it was written by me, one year and one day ago. i transcribed it from a tv show that i stopped on randomly while flipping through channels, because something the woman said (not what follows) caught my attention. i don't remember what that was, and it's amazing that i stopped to listen because i tend to not be such a joyce meyer fan..not that i don't think she's a great woman of God, or that she doesn't have a lot of good to say/teach...she's just not really "my type" i guess. heheh.
anyway..i'm sharing her message here, because it is worthy of spreading. it was something that i already knew, but needed to be told, you know?
i definitely don't have things all together now, but this time last year, i was at a really dark, captive place in my life. i was dealing with a lot of issues that had been hanging on to me, dragging me down for years, and also had a LOT of stress in my life that was affecting my health spiritually, emotionally, and physically. i felt like i was sinking into a pit, and the harder i tried to claw my way out of it, the further i sunk. not fun times. i felt so trapped. and hopeless. and then on september 23, 2010 (which i didn't even remember until i found this piece of paper), i got a kick in the pants while surfing the tube.
"...I do know for sure that one thing the devil will try to tell you over & over & over & over again, is that there is no hope- no matter what you do, NOTHING is ever going to change. And I want to say to you, loud and clear, that the only thing that never changes, is GOD. God never changes, but God can change everything else. Actually, I wanna say that to you again, because I feel like it's really important. The enemy wants you to think that there's no hope-that nothing's ever going to change. But if you put your trust in God, and you keep praying; as long as you're praying, God is working. And so, the only thing that never changes is God. He never changes, but He can change anything. ALL things are possible with God."
if you would have told me on september 24, 2010, that i would be 2 1/2 months away from graduating from school, would have escaped the prison that was my old job, and would have conquered some pretty steep issues that i've been battling for years....i don't know that i would have really believed you. but. i believed God could change things for me. i really put my hope and faith in that, and i wrote down that message that he sent me-via joyce meyer-it must have slipped off my desk at some point, and has been wedged between it and the wall for who knows how long. but i found it today. and that was no accident.
i am thankful for changes. :)
this is what makes me smile:
all sorts of changes.