we had a massive lightening storm last night...it was pretty cool, i love a good storm...but it knocked out our power until just an hour or so ago. annoying, yes. of course it rolled in 20 minutes before i was supposed to attend a webinar for school. oh well. guess i'll be looking that one up in the archives. there is really nothing to do when it is somewhere in the mid 80s and HUMID and you have no lights. i do enjoy games/reading by candlelight..but it was just too hot & uncomfortable to even try it. so i went to bed. at 8:30. i figured it would be an awesome time to catch up on some sleep..right? nope. tossing & turning when it is hot and yucky does not make for a very restful environment. i didn't sleep for hours...but i got a lot of good daydreaming in. heheh.
before the storm, i went around town picking up applications and dropping of resumes. fun times. i spent a ridiculous amount of time walking around our new hobby lobby, drooling over all the beautiful supplies that i can't afford. it was woooonderful. it kind of made me feel disloyal to a.c. moore, though. hehe
after the job hunting, i was feeling a mite stressed, so i decided to go for a drive and then a walk where i had seen some cool mushrooms the other day. lots of fungus photos follow. (some are from my yard) i found out that i can just use regular AA batteries in my camera...but they last a pitifully small amount of time. i'll have to see if i can find my rechargeables.
this is what makes me smile:
even more fungus among us.
i guess i could have edited some of these...didn't feel like it. hehheh.