it's still raining here. if you travel 25-30 miles in either direction...nope. heheh we are in a "special" area, in which storms (containing many torrential downpours) are "training." i can't remember hannah (or myself, for that matter) ever missing school for flooding...until today. they dismissed early, and judging by the massive amounts of road closures (41 at this point, just in our county, and only a handful are expected to be open before tomorrow evening), i am guessing she will have the entire day off tomorrow.
i still like the rain, and the storms are awesome, but the destruction of the flooding is pretty sad...i read on the news that they had to euthanize 2 bison at the zoo in hershey park because they were drowning & couldn't be rescued. :(
now that i've cast a depressing pall...
i had really nice a lot of nothing done. actually, that's not exactly true. i started (and half finished) a blanket for my niece. then i spent a lot of time trying to find a pattern for a crocheted soccer luck. so i had to use my BRAIN and figure out how many hexagons and pentagons it takes to make a sphere. that was not fun times. heheh sooo now i just need to find some good hexagonal and pentagonal granny "square" patterns.
i know that this has probably been one of the most interesting things you have ever read, and i'm sorry to cut it short, but i really can't think of anything else to say. also...i have been so overwhelmed by the excitement contained in this post, that i just cannot sit here any longer. :P
here is something that makes me smile:
mom & dad on prom night. aaahhh the 70's.