i spent a fair amount of time cloud watching...i spied a dinosaur, a bunch of grapes, a bull, a doughnut, and a turtle, just to name a few.
this was after i had an early morning appointment, and then a pseudo-interview in which my former boss offered me a job for $2 less an hour and half as many hours. that was a very easy, "no, thank you." :) and so now it seems that my sabbatical has turned to outright ending of that job, and i am officially on the hunt for something that will pay the bills. wheeeee. my favorite activity.
after all the vitamin d synthesizing, i was feeling quite chilled out and had a fantastic nap...which left me energized and needing to move, so hannah and i went for a walk at the lake. and it just happened to be around sunset. it was a good one.
we also remembered that we had somehow forgotten about that awesome library challenge, so we decided to see if her passport book was still in the jeep. it was. then we looked to see if there was a "destination" nearby. there was. so, off we went....to "belgium!"
along our journey we saw:
an out of place kitty,
a very still bunny,
a groundhog that moved too fast to capture in a photo,
some cute little yellow flowers that i have yet to identify,
the marina,
some good climbing trees,
some little critter's house,
our house,
"baby trees...i will be the first to hug them!" hahahaa,
the "round house" or "educational building,"
a little more sunset,
and when i turned around, hannah was gone...heart attack city!!
but of course, she was in the tree right beside me. :/
and when we got home...
guilty! mmm
all in all, a pretty good day. :)
this is what makes me smile:
what a difference eyebrow direction can make.