Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. ~Langston Hughes
ahhhh rain. :) after being so dry for so long, with only occasional thundershowers to slightly cool us off, it has been a beautiful, grey, soggy, dreary day. i don't think i really managed to "squeeze the life out of every minute" of it, but it was a fun day none the less. 

i have been having some insomnia lately, so i wasn't sure i'd even wake up early enough to visit the preschool, but i did, and it went very much as i had expected it would. i can't believe how much taller all of those little rascals are! it was fun to visit and hear all of the chatter about their vacations, new toys, lost teeth, and other bits of very important information. 

right before summer started and i took my "leave" the center was sold to a private owner. there have been a lot of good changes to the building, some new supplies that were desperately needed, updates and so forth. but what made me kind of sad was that all of the teachers except one, who only works summers, looked so exhausted and fed up. most were glad to see me, though one or two could have done without my visit i think. 
i was asked many, many times by kids and teachers, "when are you coming back?!" ...yeah...i don't know about that one. 

one terrible, awful thing did happen to me today...when i went to the farm stand to get some corn for supper, there was a sign that said, "NO CORN TODAY. not ripe for picking!"
 i object!!

this is what makes me smile:
fancy french orange lemonade.