Monday, August 22, 2011

only one more day before school starts...where did the summer go?
there are still a ton of things on the "to do" list that hannah and i made that are undone.
oh well, good thing we wrote in pencil!

i found out today that i can start attending classes with the new crop of students who have just begun their schooling at PMI. those 3 months of material and time i missed because of starting late will be made up in no time.  the new session is only one day a week, the downside is that their class is on mondays, from 8:45-4:15. my class starts at 4:30 and ends at 9:30, so for the next month or so, mondays will be very long days for me. hopefully it will help me out with some of the things that i missed that i still kind of struggle with. and it's always good to get more practice..which will hopefully help to bolster my confidence as well.
i also found out we have a public speaking assignment due in a month or so..NOT looking forward to that one. :/ gulp.

this is what makes me smile:
having a kid as weird as i am.
(this is how she came out of the bathroom after "brushing her teeth" heheh)