"The superiority of chocolate, both for health and nourishment, will soon give it the same preference over tea and coffee in America which it has in Spain." - Thomas Jefferson
"Chocolate is a divine, celestial drink, the sweat of the stars, the vital seed, divine nectar, the drink of the gods, panacea and universal medicine." - Geronimo Piperni, quoted by Antonio Lavedán, Spanish army surgeon,1796
"The divine drink which builds up resistance and fights fatigue. A cup of this precious drink permits man to walk for a whole day without food." - Hernando Cortés (1519)
"Chocolate remedies adversity." - Jareb Teague
(i tried this one out one time...it worked. haha. there was a coworker i had who, for various known and unknown ridiculous reasons, haaaaated me. then i got her a kit kat bar. after that she only hated me when i wasn't around ;) )
"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." - Charles M. Schulz
i am a fan of chocolate. the darker, the better. since i know that chocolate has many health benefits, i didn't feel too guilty about making this deliciousness. (we'll just pretend that the cream used doesn't detract from the wonderful goodness of the chocolate, okay?) i didn't have allspice as the recipe called for, so i used a little chili powder and a teeny bit of cinnamon instead. i also had a bit that didn't fit in my tiny loaf pan, so i made a few cute little truffles. mmmMmMmm.
in case you are unaware of the good that dark chocolate can do, here are just a few examples: dark chocolate stimulates endorphin production, contains serotonin, and various natural stimulants that provide feelings of well-being; when taken in moderate doses daily, dark chocolate can reduce blood pressure, and lower LDL cholesterol; chocolate is full of flavonoids, which act as antioxidants, which protect the body from damage caused by free radicals; dark chocolate has a low glycemic index, and acts as a mild anti-coagulant. plus it tastes yummy. :)
this is what makes me smile:
duh. chocolate.