it's kind of taking me a while to get used to waking up at 5:30 again...and since i've been staying up way too late, for way too long, when 9 or 10pm roll around (or 11 or 12 for that matter..) i'm just not tired.
so i've been having some lack of sleep issues, which may be contributing to my feeling GAH! the past few days. but anyway, today i took a nap in the late morning because i didn't want to look like a zombie for the event i was doing chair massages at in the evening. soooooo, (wow, this is pretty wordy.) i kept having these really weird dreams. i don't normally dream if i happen to take a nap, so that was weird to start off, but the weirdest part was how vivid they were. and they were scary. they were like those half awake dreams, where you don't think you're asleep but you actually are...i'll spare you the details, except for one. in every one of them (there were several..not really sure how many..i WAS asleep. hehh) i woke up because some invisible something was grabbing my feet and pulling me down. symbolic? dreams are weird.
i finally finished my website (welll....finished my "rough-ish" website) and made some business cards. that was kind of fun, even though i just filled in a template and printed it out on some premade cards from staples.
the back to school event went well..i did 6 seated massages and made a teeny bit of cash in i celebrated with an ice cream cone. :) it was really nice to see my old co-workers, and the kids. i swear, kids are great because they are so honest. if they love you, they tell you and you can see it in their face, and feel it in their hug. if they hate you, they tell you and you can see it in their face, and feel it in their hug. heheh. nothing is better than a sweet hug from a kid who's glad to see you. :) and there was cotton candy, so that was a plus.
some photos i took this morning after hannah got on the bus:
i love it when it's misty in the morning.
this is what makes me smile:
rocks shaped like hearts.